CineVision 3D (scheduled update)

I was able to test CineVision 3D on a real device while visiting a development lab in Munich, Germany. It turned out that the real device had a problem loading files from local storage (for instance also iCloud). This problem was undetected yet, because it actually is working without any problem on the Vision Pro simulator.

So an update for CineVision 3D is in progress, which aims to resolve this problem. Currently only URLs, located on the internet are working. So if you have the possibility for uploading your feeds to a server, this can solve the problem for now.

We occasionally get inquiries for password protected and encrypted streams.

If you want to stream URLs, which require passwords and user name, we suggest to edit the URL feeds (which are literally just simple text files) manually and encode the user name and password directly into the streaming URL with valid URL syntax.

Encrypted streams or exotic streaming formats are still not supported due to the fact that the app is using Apple‘s media streaming frameworks. Only the formats supported by these frameworks are streaming. Others may not stream and without any error reporting.

Many of the publicly available streaming URLs also may be geo-locked by their servers or temporary unavailable. So not everything in the available public demo feed is really working.

A function for saving favourites is in progress too.

CineVision 3D (update)

We posted an update for CineVision 3D to the official AppStore and also a new TestFlight beta version. Latest version is now 1.02 (338).

There was an URL string corruption issue, that crashed the app if one tried to load URL feeds from local disk or the clouds. We changed the loading mechanism to work around this strange issue with the URL() class in Swift. We currently do not even understand entirely why this happens and have to put further research on this.

However, for now it does work again, as expected. You can load single media file URLs and feed URLs with either the textfield or the load button. There is a demo *.m3u feed on our server at with 10.000 streaming providers that you can try.

ps: The app has currently ‚Alzheimer‘, and does forget everything, if closed. This is a feature not a fault. ^^ Possibly we will change that with the next update.

Remarks for this release:

The AppStore review process has made a kind of ‘bare bone’ app out of this release. Initially we released the app with usable content. But the Apple App Review asked us to remove all 3rd party content and ‘possibly copyrighted’ stuff. Otherwise they would permanently reject.

Now, an IPTV app uses 100% of stuff that is copyright by 3rd parties. That’s just the nature of things. So if you want to blame someone for insufficiency, please do that on the Apple side.

CineVision 3D (release)

CineVision 3D, a user configurable IPTV player app is available on the Apple Vision Pro AppStore.

Remarks: This app release is not what we wanted to be released.

We provided usable content, a value for the users. But Apple rejected our initial release with even that content, the value for the users, leaving a kind of ‘bare bone’ app, that is supposed to receive ‘terrific’ zero stars reviews based on the reduced user experience now. ^^

Apple AppStore Link:

Download CineVision 3D directly from The Apple AppStore for the Vision Pro
a video is in preparation

CineVision 3D (announcement)

CineVision 3D is our user configurable IPTV player. Due to the fact, that we are not allowed to provide copyrighted 3rd party content, this app is merely a bone construct. The users must load provider lists or URLs themself. (Initially we did provide a default feed with over 10.000 curated items, but the Apple review team rejected the app release for that reason.)

The IPTV provider even allows loading feeds with thousands of items, as it is using SwiftUIs list view, only effectively loading the items currently visible. There is a simple search function provided too. IPTV feeds are publicly available everywhere. These simple text files also can be created and loaded by the users.

CineVision 3D

CineVision 3D in immersive space

Additionally there is an optional 3D environment (a large 3D cinema room) included for immersive experience. This environment is just using Apples AVMedia player control for projecting onto a texture in virtual space, which is working perfectly.

Example for CineVision 3D using none-immersive space.